2009. március 18.

Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed...

I feel enormous hapiness now. I'm floating with pink clouds, across the sky, towards a perfect world... but it's difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed. Am I have friends? Real friends. Yeah, here's Tünde, but I don't know... she changed. And not to the best direction... Also there's Szandra. We can find the common denominator, but... not for a long time. I couldn't talk with nobody, anyhow... but I know also that, I amn't break for it. So I stay to be alone with my happiness, with my sorrow... aloof. Maybe, I'll never find any friend, who will know me... that is for sure...

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Amúgy a "közös nevezőre jutás" magyar kifejezés, egy angol aligha fogná föl, hova is szeretnél kilyukadni. Tükörfordítás nem jó.